Get some bait. In this case a big hunk of throw-away cod (cost $2.50).
Tie the bait into the net and toss the net into the water, letting it sink to the bottom. Wait 15 or 20 minutes and pull up the net. The crabs are feeding on the bait, but in this case, they are too small to keep. Close but not quite big enough to be legal, so he goes back in the ocean. Michael and his mom, Tinsia.
I love photography but have been away from it for a long time. I spent many years at Eastman Kodak company as a photographer in the development studios and on location. A career change took me in a different direction but my passion was recently renewed when my daughter opened a photographic business and I bought a high end digital camera. The "digital darkroom" has replaced smelly chemicals and hours in the dark. Great software and new camera and flash technologies have opened a whole new world of photographic possibilities!
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