So after a couple glasses of wine with our sister and brother-in-law, Katie and Joe Organ, we decided upon the title of this blog entry. The hummingbirds hanging out in front of their beautiful Mendon, NY home were too pretty to resist. So I set up a tripod and waited until the sun went down so I could use a couple flashes to freeze their wings, which beat at 50 - 80 times per second. Click on the pics to see larger versions.
I love photography but have been away from it for a long time. I spent many years at Eastman Kodak company as a photographer in the development studios and on location. A career change took me in a different direction but my passion was recently renewed when my daughter opened a photographic business and I bought a high end digital camera. The "digital darkroom" has replaced smelly chemicals and hours in the dark. Great software and new camera and flash technologies have opened a whole new world of photographic possibilities!
Beautiful photos and colors - getting hummingbirds wings while in flight is pretty amazing.